The President

It is the duty of all Mals to respect the office of President during his year of office which commences on the Island of St. Mary’s and ends in the following year on the Island.

The President Elect shall not assume the title of President until he is flushed in.

Abuse of this regulation will earn a firm rebuke or worse from the Hierarchy. Any Mal addressing the President Elect as ‘President’ will suffer similarly!

Current President

Past Presidents

  • On the Islands obey the commands of your President, when he rings the bell he wants your attention immediately.
  • Eat or converse at the table. Reading a newspaper or being late for meals will earn a stern rebuke from your President and a fine.
  • Stick to the programme, being together, staying with the party makes the trip a happy one.
  • If you have any complaint ask of the Organizator’s permission to speak to the Director General on the matter.
  • Morning surgeries are a regular feature for those feeling unwell, you may find the cure worse that the complaint.
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Wednesday 25th September, 2024
Monday 30th September, 2024